List in chronological order beginning with degree you are currently pursuing, current year, field, expected complete date, where (for example: MD/PhD candidate, 4th year, cancer biology, degree expected 2020, University of … or …Medical School at …University). If you have completed MD, PhD or other graduate degree state what field (for example: MD, pathology)
Why you are pursuing this line of inquiry? How will it impact patient care or advance medical knowledge? 200 word maximum
This is intended to get to know you beyond your credentials. It is a less formal opportunity to tell us why you are pursuing this particular career path, area of expertise, and/or topic. What are your career aspirations? What or who inspires you? What challenges have/do you face and/or what are you most proud of accomplishing or working on overcoming? You do NOT need to answer all of these questions, they are intended to give guidance so that we may know you better.
250 word maximum