FAQs – Fellowship Awards

No. Only one application per applicant will be considered; however, if you do not receive an award and want to re-apply the next year, you may do so.

If you will complete your training and/or education AFTER the fellowship award deadline but before year’s end, and otherwise meet our requirements at the time of submission, you may apply.


Research awards ($25,000) go to the medical institution at which the research is being conducted for the sole purpose of funding the study submitted to FWW. Fellowship awards ($5,000) go directly to the individual and may be used at the awardee’s discretion.

Yes. You will receive a 1099 form the first part of next year to include with your tax filing as you would with any cash gift.

By the end of the calendar year (usually November) we email all applicants. Awardees will be contacted by phone. Award checks are issued no later than December 31.

Yes. As long as you meet the requirements for FWW’s research awards you may apply.

No. This award is $5,000 given directly to the applicant and as such recognizes and supports future physicians and scientists who demonstrate academic and research achievement and dedication.

We heavily consider the relevance of your research to FWW’s research priorities. This, along with your personal statement, letter of recommendation, and CV, help us get to know you and your “why.”

Contact Sharon Cravitz, Executive Director, at sharoncravitz@thefww.org 303-548-0595