FAQs – Research Awards

Yes. There is no limit to the number of applications from any one institution. However, each Principal Investigator (PI) may only submit one application.

No. A PI may only submit one application.

Yes. You may contact Sharon Cravitz, Executive Director, at 303-548-0595 or email at sharoncravitz@thefww.org

No. You must be faculty at the time of submission however you may consider applying for a fellowship award.

Research awards ($25,000) go to the medical institution at which the research is being conducted for the sole purpose of funding the study submitted to FWW. Fellowship awards ($5,000) go directly to the individual and may be used at the awardee’s discretion.

Research awards are $25,000. We do not have formal reporting requirements for recipients however we ask that you email our executive director with any publications, presentations or the like upon study completion.

By the end of the calendar year (usually November) we email all applicants. Awardees will be contacted by phone. Award checks are issued no later than December 31.

No, we do not require an itemized budget. If selected, we will ask you to confirm that FWW requirements are met and that the award check will be used to fund the research study submitted in the application.

Contact Sharon Cravitz, Executive Director, at sharoncravitz@thefww.org 303-548-0595

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